Gmail Security Concerns
Recently Google has been in the news quite a bit because a number of gmail users have had their accounts hacked, allegedly from China. The article at Technology Review talks about tracing the source of Gmail attacks, but it also highlights ways that the attacks occur, referencing an article that shows what some of the...
Net Neutrality and Paid Peering
If Google truly wants to "do no evil" and stand behind those words, it needs to make sure that the small guy can purchase comparable footing to what google has rolled out (using the small guy's own advertising dollars, no less).
Wish List – Customized Search
All the time I get search results in google or bing that include sites that show up repeatedly that I really don’t ever want to see. One of these is some sort of expert tech site that you have to pay to access. But the results always show up high when I’m looking for help....
SEO Basics
Recently a prospective client asked me for some help getting his site up onto search engines. Even when people searched for his name and his website specifically, they couldn’t find him. Last time I checked, this site was number one in Google for Purple Ivy, though I’d not expect anyone looking for web consulting to...
Pay Per Click should Die
Search engines are all about pay per click these days. It’s part of the revolution that happened with Google’s add-money advent of adwords. But since Google launched its pay per click model, other search companies have followed suit. The idea of course is simple – allow advertisers to pay only for visitors that click through...